Friday, February 19, 2021


We accept Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, Paypal and major credit cards

We accept payment through our shopping cart with Paypal, Paypal Credit, any major credit card, Amazon Pay and Apple Pay. You do not need to set up an account to use a credit card. If you still want to order with a credit card and not order online, give us a call toll free at 1-877-Bio-Mat-Order (1-877-246-6286) or contact us. When you click to add an item to our shopping cart, you will be taken to our secure shopping cart You can change cuurencies in the upper left of the cart for many countries.

Thursday, February 11, 2021


International Orders

Expect delayed shipping for your International order due to observance of Lunar New Years, from Feb 5, 2021 to Feb 21, 2021. Most shipping carriers and public offices in China and Korea will be closed during this time. Orders will still be processed, but expect a delay in shipping your order to you. International Order

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